Saturday, April 28, 2007

Emotional Freedom Technique - learn the basics for free

Kate Nowak of the May You Be Blessed Blessings Experiment, (a world-wide grass-roots movement designed to transform the world through the power of blessing) recently included the information below in her Blessings Experiment Newsletter about using EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. I know people who have successfully used this to heal mind-body trauma, for instance, auto accidents, work-related stressors and childhood abuse. There are many paths to healing, and paths that address the mind-body-spirit as a whole are often the most powerful techniques. If you are interested, read on. On this website you can access a free introduction to the process and email news and support to teach yourself the basics.
Be Well, Janis

The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, was originally

designed to reduce the psychotherapy process from months
and years down to minutes and hours. From there it was
discovered that astonishing physical healings also occurred.
Symptoms faded for everything from migraine headaches
to cancer, and a special form of the technique, called the
Palace of Possibilities works particularly well for establishing
in us just the kind of self-talk we need to help us in overcoming
whatever beliefs or barriers are keeping us from our own success.
I love EFT, use it daily and cannot recommend it highly enough.
To learn more about this life-changing technique, I urge you to
visit the link below.

Emotional Freedom Techniques: Where emotional relief brings physical health

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