Friday, February 11, 2011

Bromide Dominance Theory, blocking Iodine, causing disease?

In the 1960's, a single slice of bread in the USA contained the full RDA of 0.15 mg iodine. The risk for breast cancer was then 1 in 20. Over the last several decades, iodine was largely replaced by bromine in the form of potassium bromate in the bread making process.
Bromine blocks thyroid function and interferes with the anticancer effect of iodine. Today, the risk for breast cancer is 1 in 8 and increasing by one percent each year.

Bromide in Bread Banned in UK and Canada

In 1990 the UK banned bromate in bread. Canada followed suite in 1994. The United States has yet to take a similar action in this important matter.

Bromide Dominance – A National Health Crisis Part 1 of 2

Recent research clearly demonstrates that big pharma “science” has misled doctors and the public at large about iodine. Big pharma spin-doctors have in fact named Iodine as the underlying factor for numerous diseases, and have even assigned an “ism” to this naturally-occurring substance that our bodies very much need.
Iodism is now defined as “poisoning caused by sensitivity to or overuse of iodine or its compounds,” consumers are being encouraged to avoid iodine.
But the truth is that if you avoid consuming iodine you do so at your own peril.

Bromide Dominance Theory

The situation is more complex, and bromide is the culprit, not iodine. In recent years, increased exposure to bromide has caused dangerous levels of iodine depletion. Many people are so depleted that they have no tolerance for taking iodine supplements any longer without taking appropriate precautions.
Bromide is an insidious additive used in many consumer products, and as a pesticide. Because of the sheer number of bromide-supplemented products, exposure to this man-made additive has caused a depletion of iodine in human populations. Studies in lab animals provide alarming evidence that even small amounts of bromide exposure can be toxic.
A bromide dominance condition may develop when bromide, acquired through environmental, occupational or dietary exposure, causes bromide levels in the body to rise high enough to inhibit iodine enzyme metabolism.
Where does bromide come from? Bromide comes from the food we eat—especially bread—from drinking water, and from toothpaste, mouthwash, flame-retardants, hair dye and other sources.
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Bromide Dominance, Part 2 of 2, continues this article in more detail.

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