Thursday, September 30, 2010

Obesity additives... the bane of processed foods

Many of the chemicals all too commonly found in today's foods can be just as addictive as alcohol, cigarettes, and even various street drugs.

The stuff they are putting in our food to keep it artificially "fresh" for years and even decades, can actually make changes in our brain chemistry...causing us to become addicted to gaining body fat. 

Furthermore, in order to make you crave what they have, the industry spikes your food with: Trans fats, caffeine, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, flavoring, extra salt, and sugar. What you get is a food time bomb disguised as a healthy treat. 

No wonder we all struggle so much... 

With all of this in mind, here are three ways obesity additives work to make our bellies bulge: 

1. Two of these obesity additives interfere with a hormone called leptin that tells the brain we are full while eating. 

2. Other obesity additives add fat by changing how our bodies use the calories we eat. They do this by increasing a fat-storing hormone called insulin. When this happens, calories are converted to fat instead of being stored as "muscle energy." This leads to fat deposits in all of our trouble areas—like under the chin, the backs of the arms, the belly, and the lower body. 

3. Still other obesity additives actually make us addicted to them and cause us to eat uncontrollably. They do this by altering brain chemicals called neurotransmitters—just like a highly addictive drug does. 

A Short List of Obesity Additives to Stay Away From... 

Stripped Carbohydrates (listed as sugar, flour, enriched white flour, white flour, enriched bleached flour, enriched wheat flour, wheat flour, semolina flour, white rice, maltodextrin, glucose, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), fructose, sucrose, dextrose, and levulose)

Artificial Sweeteners (listed as Splenda (sucralose), NutraSweet (aspartame), Sunette (acesulfame K), and Sweet ‘N Low (saccharin). The scientists believe that artificial sweeteners may “short-circuit” the body’s natural ability to sense how much it has eaten.)

Added Caffeine in soft drinks and energy drinks (a few cups of green tea or coffee each day are fine)

High Saturated Fats (also listed as partially hydrogenated oils and trans fats)

MSG (also labeled as monosodium glutamate)

Excess Alcohol (if you must, one to two drinks per week)

Excess Salt/Sodium (in chips, crackers, canned food items, pickles, various cheeses, pretzels, condiments, and salted nuts.)

This note came from Michael Lovitch, Co-founder of The Hypnosis Network, describing information povided by Josh Bezoni in a new class he is offering. 09-30-10


Alicia King said...

Important reminders, thank you!

Scary stuff.

Love4Reiki said...

I knew some of the ingredients in our foods were unhealthy, now that you've so clearly explained it in this blog...WOWWW!!!!
While I was reading it, I was thinking about the changes that I am willing to make in my diet as well as my family's diet.
I will be sure to pass this along...Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

Mrs. B said...

It's great that this sites tell us what additives not to eat, how about telling us what we can eat? After looking at the list, it looks like a shouldn't buy any foods! What do I eat????

J. Davies, CWHE said...

Mrs. B, I hear your struggle I truly do! the answer is both simple and complicated. Eat whole foods as much as possible, that means shop the outside of the store, the un-processed, unprepared, unpackaged foods. Like our grandmother did 50 years ago.

Some of us are now spending more grocery dollars at natural food stores that carry more processed foods that are mindfully lacking in harmful pesticides, preservatives, dyes and such.

Look for packaged foods with less than 5 ingredients. Look for ingredients that you can pronounce. By reading labels you will quickly educate yourself what products are good healthy foods, or at least healthier choices.

Expand your fruit and vegetable choices to include more "colors" and types. Americans often get cuaght in the rut of carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, celery, and apples and bananas and orange juice. Look for different varieties, deep colored berries, buy more local & seasonal produce whenever possible.

These are just some ideas. Let me know if you are looking for more pointers, I would be glad to assist.

Doris said...

Even better, grow your own food. then you will know for sure if it was treated with pesticides!