Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dec. 1: Pay It Forward Day!

Today, December first, is quickly becoming the new Pay It Forward Day....
 For my local friends and clients...
Shop at Good Vibrations in Chester and receive a 
Half-Off Coupon for any of my services!!!  
 ...then... Pay It Forward!  :)

Practice random acts of kindness

Buy an overseas soldier a cup of coffee through the Cup of Joe program 

Pay for the gas, coffee, groceries, toll-fee of the person behind you in line...

Pay an unexpected compliment

Watch the neighbor's children for an hour

Wash a window

Make a cake

Be Unexpected!

Be Unafraid!

Be Stealthy!

Enjoy the good feeling vibes of helping another struggling person on the planet...

... & have fun...!

1 comment:

Alicia King said...

Once you start doing these things, it becomes addictive. Especially satisfying is when your kids initiate it! "Mom, let's pay for that lady's coffee in line behind us!" Or, "Why don't we bake TWO pies and take one to Mrs. Schenker at the center?"

Those are the moments amid the chaos when we recognize what's happening and appreciate the magic that surrounds us.

Thanks for the reminder, Jan. Happy 2011!