Friday, December 11, 2009

Be mindful about your "bad" habits

I thought you might enjoy these remarks by Theresa Rose, after the rather heavy downer about sugar I posted today! jd

If you have a particular vice -- smoking cigarettes, drinking wine, eating chocolate, watching reruns of
Beverly Hills 90210 -- I encourage you to perform them consciously. Sure, some of our choices are healthier than others, but don't let anyone or anything convince you that you are wrong, weird, or broken because you do them. You aren't; you're only human. Perform every activity guilt-free, even the so-called "bad" ones. Just consider the reasons why you have chosen to do them.

Theresa Rose, Daily MoJo 12/11/09
Serious Mojo Publications | P.O. Box 390373 | Edina | MN | 55439

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